ABOUT The New Site

Hello Folks.

New Yorkled’s so very pleased to say that just less than five weeks after it began the site’s transformation it’s finally settled on a new look and feel.

New Yorkled Magazine is now extremely close to the end results we’ve striven for. That is, a more navigable, well organized collection of information, events and yes, even photos. Although we’ve only scratched the surface regarding the above we’re very happy to have a base in place on which to rebuild what New Yorkled has been about since early 2001.  A site embracing all that New York City is about. Filled with energy, color and passion.

There’s still plenty more to be added such as the redone maps, newly re-created photo galleries and sight listings but that’ll all come continuously as time passes. ‘and as we go further into the future the more that will be offered.

So please DO continue to check back on us.

Thank you all! 🙂