“Bringing Back The City” Exhibition
Ongoing exhibition begins September 30, 2015
Tuesday – Friday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Saturday – Sunday, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
At New York Transit Museum Examines City Transit System’s Preparation And Response In Times Of Crisis
With its new exhibition, “Bringing Back the City: Mass Transit Responds to Crisis”, the New York Transit Museum delivers a fresh perspective on recent major events, including the attacks of September 11, the 2003 Northeast Blackout, the Blizzard of 2010, Hurricane Irene and Superstorm Sandy.
Through images, artifacts, oral histories and engaging multimedia experiences, the exhibition offers a glimpse of the vital, often unseen, work of New York’s transit employees and the critical role they play in preparing for and responding to natural and man-made disasters. Visitors will hear the powerful stories of many of these employees in their own words — from bus drivers who helped New Yorkers evacuate Ground Zero on September 11, to workers who repaired flooded subway tunnels after Superstorm Sandy.
The exhibition’s four content areas highlight the unique challenges of restoring the city’s complex transit system and helping the city’s return to normal after crisis strikes. The areas include: 9/11 – Response, Blackout of 2003 – Rescue, Wicked Weather – Readiness and Superstorm Sandy – Resilience.
For more information about the exhibition’s content, panels and tours, please visit the exhibit website here.
For more information on hours, admission and directions, please visit the general NYTM website here.
New York Transit Museum, Boerum Pl & Schermerhorn Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201