What’s up with Cuomo’s Loosening of NYC COVID-19 Restrictions and de Blasio’s New Enforcement?
What brought on Governor Cuomo’s sudden decision to loosen NYC’s reopening restrictions and Mayor de Blasio’s stronger approach to enforcing out of state quarantine rules?
We went over the Mayor’s new executive order and how its aim is to enforce that which travelers to states on NY’s Travel Advisory are supposed to be following through on. That is, self quarantine. Again, this applies to anyone coming in from those states or New Yorkers traveling to and returning from those states.
The Governor’s been huffing and puffing for some time now about local governments and their related law enforcements not carrying out their job in protecting New Yorkers.
Of course, where this state leader’s concerned, it can be said that he speaks in riddles at times. Lumping together thoughts, side by side and leaving it to one’s interpretation.
Regardless, he spent the span of maybe two weeks going on about a COVID-19 rebound coming from beyond our borders. He was mighty sure of himself, swearing that this would definitely take place.
So, why all of a sudden does he decide to loosen New York City’s reopening restrictions? Yes, we’ve had awesome health metrics which both the Governor and Mayor have proudly spoken about. Yet, to borrow from Governor’s own words, our neighbor’s house is still on fire!
States that have been removed from the travel advisory are being added back on.
Yesterday, I asked the Mayor about this. Aside from our stellar COVID-19 numbers, what else might’ve convinced Mr. Cuomo to take the road he’s turned on recently – allowing cultural institutions and gyms to finally reopen.
I didn’t get much out the Mayor yet I can’t help but wonder.
Was this a coordinated plan between the two of them? A sort of quid pro quo? I’ll loosen restrictions if you get stronger with enforcement? Partially, at least?
Was the Mayor’s actions today an answer to my question?
Or is it possible that the checkpoints at NYC’s entryways, carried out by the Sheriff’s Office revealed something? Did they find that a large number of visitors were traveling in and out of the city supposedly ignorant of the quarantine rules set in place?
It’s an interesting thing to consider, for me at least. I once badgered the Governor about this very subject. He was not pleased with me.
You see, the Governor once expressed his concerns over interstate commerce. Little did I know at the time that he meant travel by air. I asked him about concerns over interstate commerce through the roadways. His response was that 90% of travel into the state was through the airports.
Yet here we are concerned with road travel.
I don’t know the full answer and maybe we’ll never know… it’s neither here nor there and of no major importance. Yet, it’s always something like this which gives one better insight into our leaders’ heads.
Related Reading:
- NYC Mayor: Possible Fines, Penalties & Forced COVID-19 Quarantine for Non-Compliant Travelers
- Governor’s Executive Order (No. 205: Quarantine Restrictions on Travelers Arriving in New York) of June 24
- NY State Department of Health: COVID-19 Travel Advisory
- WHY NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Believes THERE WILL BE A SECOND COVID-19 WAVE
- Governor Cuomo Announces Travel Enforcement Operation at Airports Across the State to Help Ensure Travelers are Following Quarantine Restrictions
- COVID-19 Checkpoints into NYC For Sake of Enforcing NY State Travel Advisory Quarantines