Submit Your NYC Event to New Yorkled Magazine for Review
For the time being, New Yorkled is no longer making use of a submittal form.
Please Submit Events for Review by Email to:
Newyorkled (at)
Please be advised that not all items are accepted. If it’s a for profit item like a sale for your business or a private party for which tickets are sold then it’s likely it won’t get accepted…Unless it’s being done in the name of a non-profit organization.
Also, items submitted must be verifiable by another official listing on the internet. Meaning, a reputable source, an official Facebook or Twitter page for an organization &/or of course, the official website for such organization. Thanks looking forward to your submission(s).
Additional Notes:
BTW, we might consider items taking place just beyond our borders; such as New Jersey, Long Island, Westchester County.
If you’ve got a press release for an organization, event or anything you feel our readers would be interested in then please consider submitting it as well.