Submit Your NYC Event to New Yorkled Magazine for Review

Submit Your NYC Event to New Yorkled Magazine for Review

For the time being, New Yorkled is no longer making use of a submittal form.

Please Submit Events for Review by Email to:

Newyorkled (at)

Please be advised that not all items are accepted. If it’s a for profit item like a sale for your business or a private party for which tickets are sold then it’s likely it won’t get accepted…Unless it’s being done in the name of a non-profit organization.

Also, items submitted must be verifiable by another official listing on the internet. Meaning, a reputable source, an official Facebook or Twitter page for an organization &/or of course, the official website for such organization. Thanks looking forward to your submission(s).


Additional Notes:

BTW, we might consider items taking place just beyond our borders; such as New Jersey, Long Island, Westchester County.

If you’ve got a press release for an organization, event or anything you feel our readers would be interested in then please consider submitting it as well.